Josh Hill

Evangelism Isn’t My Job

October 12th, 2020|Missions, Pastoral|

If there’s one thing that any missions pastor hates hearing, it’s “I don’t have the gift of evangelism.” Or even worse “I just don’t feel called to evangelism.”. In fact, I’m willing to bet a few of you even cringed a little bit just reading those statements. However, you’d be surprised if you knew how often I hear it from people who profess to be Christians. I experienced an example of this a few years ago at a meeting I was having with some other pastors from across the city. During the meeting we all introduced ourselves, and spoke [...]

A Psalm For The Times

April 20th, 2020|Missions, Pastoral|

We find ourselves in a situation that many of us probably feel ill-equipped for. The world in which we were raised molded us to survive in a specific environment, an environment that helped protect and safe-guard us from most threats. There have been few times in the past 50 years that Americans were actually confronted with a truth that humans all throughout history have had to accept: We are not in control. Experiencing this fact is a freighting thing to us. We’ve always been able to rely on resources and affluence to escape calamity. Think about the wars, fires, [...]

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