Smoke Between the Trees
On the 28th of February, an unusually warm day for that time of year, I drove past countless rows of pines in search for my old camping spot. Some years ago, I had decided that to understand my path forward, I must venture out into the wilderness and get alone. So, I began taking solo camping trips each year to clear my head. I would read a book, walk through nature, sit by the fire, think, and even pray. In the morning I would sit by a lake or someplace peaceful and write out everything I had accomplished in [...]
The Prayer of a Righteous Person
I have recently just completed teaching an online study of the book of James, and as you can imagine we came across several areas of discussion that are just as valid today as they were when James wrote the letter almost two thousand years ago. Though he was writing to a mainly Jewish audience that had been dispersed through the region of Palestine and beyond, we can take what he wrote and apply it to our lives today. I could do an entire blog series on what I learned from James as I taught it, and I may, but [...]