Why Millennials Are Valuable in the Church
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word millennial? Lazy? Commitment Issues? Entitlement? These are just a few of the major stereotypes that revolve around the millennial generation. But as a millennial myself, I can tell you that these aren’t always true when it comes to my generation. In fact, I think there are some really great attributes that millennials have that can often be missed or overlooked that can bring great value to the church. 1. Millennials are Creative Millennials tend to have a creative outlook on a life and problem solving. [...]
Adaptability in 2020
Hi. My name is Bethany and I’m teaching during a global pandemic. This is by far my hardest year of teaching. This is lucky year number seven. And seven is the number of completion so my job is done, right? (I’m kidding, of course. Teaching has been my passion since I was a child. I can’t abandon it quite yet.) Anywho, I’m a part of the Young Adult Ministry (YAMs) here at WBC. The other night Grace (you might know her... she’s got bright blonde hair and is obsessed with animals) asked the group a question. She said, “If you [...]
From the Ground Up
In September 2019, I began one of the most challenging tasks that I have been given since starting full time ministry in 2015. After three years of being the High School Associate at Woodridge and then a year of being the Operations Associate, our pastor, Jeremy Evans, asked me if I wanted to take on the challenge of starting up a new Young Adult Ministry. I jumped at the chance, because as a young adult in the area I knew it was a needed ministry because there is not much out here for people at this stage of life. [...]